Top 10 German books for toddlers

by Veronika

Reading with your children is among the most important things you can do to help them develop their language abilities! Here are the top ten books that are read by children between 3-5 years of age in Germany … in case you still need ideas for Christmas!

If you have additional tips for good reads, please leave a comment! Happy reading! 

Der Hase mit der roten Nase

Der Hase mit der roten Nase is a very short but meaningful story written by Helme Heine. It’s a story about a bunny that looked a bit different from all the other bunnies. But in the end, the different look turned out to be quite beneficial and helpful…

Die Eule mit der Beule

Die Eule mit der Beule by Tanja Jacobs is a cute story about an owl that bumped her head. All of her forest friends try to help but only her mommy can provide the “real” relief!


Although originally written in English by Axel Scheffer and Julia Donaldson, Flunkerfisch is a cute story about a little fish named Flori Flunkerfisch. Every day, Flori is late for school, but he has a lot of stories to tell about what happened on his way to school.  He rode on a seahorse or had to swim with dolphins. Something new happens to him every day! One day, he was so wrapped up in his stories that he almost missed the fishing net that was cast out… but in the end it’s his very own, fantastic stories that save his life!

Pettersson und Findus

Pettersson und Findus books by Sven Nordqvist about old man Pettersson and his curious, trouble-prone cat Findus are absolute classics! This one is about Pettersson and his cat Findus and how they plant a veggie garden. Everything runs smoothly–as far as that is possible when Findus is involved–until the chicken demand access to look for worms…all of a sudden there are cows, pigs, and a lot fo other livestock in their garden and create a whole lot of chaos…

Der große Zahnputztag im Zoo

It was on a sunny morning that the director notices a foul smell that is coming from the zoo! It simply stinks! So he sends the hedgehog Ignaz Pfefferminz on a challenging mission to brush every animal’s teeth! Der große Zahnputztag im Zoo tells this story about brushing teeth in a very cute and fun way with funny illustrations. After reading, I’m sure your LOs will want to brush their teeth too!

Die kleine Spinne Widerlich

Die kleine Spinne Widerlich just finished her first, self-made web when she decides to go on a journey. She wants to find out why people are afraid of her. On her journey, she meets many friends and family members and everyone gives her a different answer to her question. So eventually she realizes that we are afraid of things that we don’t understand!

Die Vulkanos pupsen los!

Die Vulkanos pupsen los! is the story about Flambia and Krato who are best friends and Vulkanos! They live in two volcanoes side by side. One day the bridge between their volcanoes is gone and the two besties have to find a way to see each other again…and they find a way and make it work!

Das große Buch vom kleinen Wassermann

Das große Buch vom kleinen Wassermann tells the story about der kleine Wassermann. He wakes up in the spring and visits his friends all over the pond and river. Together they go on adventures and have a lot of fun until the winter comes again and der kleine Wassermann has to go back to sleep. It’s a story about the seasons in a year–told in a fun, entertaining, and engaging way! 

Wo der Weihnachtsmann wohnt

Wo der Weihnachtsmann wohntoriginally published in 1982, tells the story about Santa Claus, his wife, and his elves, where they live and what they do all year round… I remember my elementary school teachers reading this book to us during the month of December back in the 1980s…. This book depicts the village and all of its inhabitants in a very cute way! It might be better suited for children 4+ because is is very rich in description without the action that we find in modern children’s books. Definitely worth a read!  

Die Motte Lotte

Die Motte Lotte tells the story about a moth named Lotte who decides to move out of her family’s apartment and into a cave. Everybody is belittling her and smiles when she tells them about her plan–even her own family! But Lotte gets to work and turns the cave into a nice apartment. One day when stinky moth balls enter the home of Lotte’s family and they  cannot get back into their place. So they decide to visit Lotte in her new home. That day, her family learned that they had been very wrong in underestimating Lotte…

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