Hey, it’s Time to Talk!

by Veronika

If you are interested in learning more about how speech and language develop, Time to Talk is your book! It is easy to follow and very well written by a team of professionals in the field: Dr. Michelle MacRoy-Higgins, a professor of Speech-Language Pathology at Hunter College in NYC, and Carlyn Kolker, a professional writer. Both are moms as well! The book is clearly structured and very informative. It starts with the basics: why good hearing is fundamental to language development—something that makes total sense but that I personally was not fully aware of. For example, it tells you why ear infections can get in the way of language development. Plus, it gives practical tips and advice. For instance: did you know that there is a list of the noisiest toys published every year that can damage your child’s hearing and cause issues with regard to language development? Here is the link to the list: www.sightandhearing.org?

The book also guides you through the stages of speech and language development. And it gives insights into potential speech or language delays and how to diagnose them as a parent. Although the chapter on bilingualism is probably the weakest one in the book, I found this book to be a great read (or rather “a great listen” because I listened to the audiobook in the car on my way to work). I especially enjoyed the useful tips, tricks, strategies, and insights it provides on language development!

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