Radio TEDDY—Das Kinder- und Familienradio

by Veronika

If you are living abroad and have been looking for a German radio station that you can listen to with your children, then Radio Teddy may be just for you!

A radio station, web-player and smartphone app!

Radio Teddy is an award winning radio station that offers a range of content for the entire family. Located in Berlin, Radio TEDDY broadcasts via the “regular” radio in several German states. In addition, they have the Radio TEDDY-Web-Player and an app for your cell phone. So you can listen at home as well as on the move—regardless of where you live (as long as you have a functioning internet connection).

Fun and educative entertainment

They have a very diverse program. For instance, the Radio TEDDY-Web-Player has several Webchannels, including a Livestream, Kinderlieder, Schlager, Deutschpop Nonstop etc. Other features include:

  • Musik und Stars: They feature stars, popular teenage bands, and musicians that children and teenagers in Germany listen to these days. They also broadcast Hörspiele for children such as Bibi und Tina, Der kleine Wassermann, or Wendy On their website, they provide the exact date and time when a Hörspiel will be on so you can make it a special event with your children.
  • Mach mit: Aktionen und Gewinnspiele zum Mitmachen! Your children can participate in different competitions such as arts and craft projects etc
  • Macht Spass!: Interviews with movie stars from popular family pictures such as Toy Story or TKKG. Information about movies and series.
  • Macht schlau!: Quizzes and educational entertainment such as Quer Durch Deutschland.
  • Elternbereich: An area for parents with information on different programs. Additionally, parents can provide feedback or vote for certain programs and events to have a say in what will be streamed.

Der Zahnputzhit

They also offer small gimmicks such as the Zahnputzhit which they broadcast every morning during the week at 6:05, 6:35, 07:05 und 7:35AM! Plus at night at 7:35PM! So even brushing teeth can become a fun event that kids look forward to!

The only caveat: Werbung

The only small caveat may be that Radio Teddy finances itself by means of commercials. They are not sponsored by Rundfunkgebühren. However, they do make that clear on their website, and they also try to be transparent while broadcasting. For example, they clearly indicate  commercial breaks during their program by saying “Werbung” when the break starts and “Werbung Ende” to indicate the end of a commercial break.  

Overall, it’s a real German radio station that provides authentic radio input for German-speaking children and families worldwide.


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