KIKA: Der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF

by Veronika

Remember the KIKA player, the free app for Android and iOS that provides German TV shows for children? The app that has no advertisements, no violence, no hidden costs? That comes with parental controls to select age-appropriate TV content? Yes, that app!

Der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF

If you thought that the KIKA player was a pretty cool resource, then you should check out the actual KIKA website:

It has all of the TV shows for children that the app has and a lot more, including….

  • Sendungen: TV shows and series that are shown on the regular TV channels ARD and ZDF
  • Videos: Movies and documentaries for children and adolescents
  • Bastelideen: Ideas for arts and crafts with free downloadable templates and models
  • Spielen: Educational games that accompany different TV shows.
  • Mach mit: Educational challenges, creative workshop ideas, and contests

It comes with tipps and supports

Plus, all features come with different support options. For example, the movies and TV shows come with accompanying sign language or audio narrative options so children with auditory and/or visual impairments can enjoy the shows too. Additionally, every show, project, and art and craft idea that they offer comes with tipps for parents on how to support their children.

Overall, it is a nice alternative to simply having children watch TV because it also provides interactive context that is educational in nature. It challenges kids in a creative way that is fun and engaging for kids as young as 3 years. Give it a try!



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