America the bilingual

by Veronika

On my way to work every day, I  usually kill the time in the car by listening to podcasts. Recently, I came across this amazing podcast: America the bilingual!

It’s a monthly podcast dedicated to anything bilingual in the United States. In about 20 minutes, each episode tells a story about bilingual journeys or historic events that involved different languages in America. For example, “When America went to war against the German language” was quite interesting for me as a German. I learned why German is not more widespread in the United States nowadays even though there used to be 500 German newspapers printed every day in the U.S. at the beginning of the 20th century!

Other episodes deal with topics such as the benefits of bilingualism, baby sign language, and Latin as a language that is anything but dead!

The podcast series is sponsored by ACTFL–The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages–one of the leading non-profit organizations dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of languages.

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