German TV shows for kids

by Veronika


TV, DVDs, and online videos are important resources in a world in which we use more and more technology in our daily lives. Although these media that are passively consumed may not help very much with developing your child’s speaking abilities (speaking and reading with your child are still the best ways), they nevertheless provide a form of “supplemental exposure” (Beck, 2016, p. 219). 

Videos, series, and TV as forms of supplemental exposure can provide some benefits. They can help to …

  • develop your child’s listening abilities in the minority language,
  • promote interest in the minority language,
  • expose your child to artifacts of the target culture (e.g., in Germany nobody will know who Huey, Dewey, and Louie are but they do know Tick, Trick, and Track!)

Also, it’s always a good idea to watch TV shows together with your child, especially if she is still fairly young. That way, you cannot only help to explain things, but you can also use what you watched as a topic of conversation later on. In other words, TV shows can become conversation starters and talking with your child is the best way to help boost their language skills.

Here are some kid-friendly TV shows in German that are available for free on online streaming platforms such as Youtube:

    1. Biene Maja

    2. Peppa Wutz

    3. Die Sendung mit der Maus (latest episode)

    4. In einem Land vor unserer Zeit 

    5. Unser Sandmännchen (latest episodes) 

    6. Löwenzahn

    7. Pettersson und Findus

    8. JoNaLu

    9. Leo Lausemaus

    10. Bibi Blocksberg

Another good opportunity for German TV shows for children is the KIKA player or the KIKA website. These are an app and a website provided by the official German TV stations ARD and ZDF. They provide age-appropriate content for kids as young as 3 years. No advertisement, no violence, and 100% free! Check it out!

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1 comment

Lindsey Graf January 20, 2021 - 3:26 PM

Thank you! This is so helpful! I have been looking for shows that my kids are already familiar with- with little result- but these look great and we can relax and learn together while we watch.


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